Entrenamiento COVID-19: Ejercicio de Simulación

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) training: Simulation exercise

To support countries’ preparedness effort on the COVID-19  outbreak, WHO`s Department of Health Security and Preparedness has developed a generic COVID-19  tabletop exercise package. The exercise aims to examine and strengthen existing plans, procedures and capabilities to manage an imported case of 2019-nCov and targets the health authorities at the national level.

Para acceder a la presentación de PowerPoint para facilitar el ejercicio, haga [kleo_button title=»Clic Aqui» href=»https://cicsp.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/ttx-covid-19-en.pptx» style=»default» size=»» ]

Para más material asociado a este entrenamiento, visite el sitio haciendo [kleo_button title=»Clic Aquí» href=»https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/training/simulation-exercise» style=»default» size=»» ]