1º Foro Latinoamericano de Calidad y Seguridad en Salud – Brasil

La calidad y seguridad en salud es un tema fundamental que debe ser considerado para lograr la sustentabilidad del sistema de salud. “Pursuing Sustainability” es el tema del 1º Foro Latinoamericano de Calidad y Seguridad en Salud. Para más información, haga 

6ta. Jornada Abierta del Foro Colaborativo en Calidad y Seguridad en Salud

"Promoviendo los cuidados centrados en el paciente" Con el objetivo de expandir la colaboración en iniciativas de calidad y seguridad en Argentina y otros países de Latinoamérica, expertos locales e internacionales compartirán sus experiencias y realizarán presentaciones que le permitirán actualizar sus conocimientos sobre el estado de situación de esta disciplina. El evento constará de…

Foro Internacional en Calidad y Seguridad en Salud – Asia

We are pleased to announce that the Programme for International Forum: Asia, "Improve, Innovate, Inspire" is launched! The conference programme features keynote speakers from the US, UK and Asian countries and will showcase the very best of international and regional thinking and practice in quality and safety in healthcare. You may also hone your practical knowledge…

AHRQ Conferencia en Investigación – Virginia, USA

The 2015 AHRQ research conference, “Producing Evidence and Engaging Partners to Improve Health Care”, cohosted with AcademyHealth  will be held October 4–6 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center in Crystal City, Virginia. This year, AHRQ and AcademyHealth are expanding the call for abstracts to showcase the breadth and depth of AHRQ-sponsored work…

32º Conferencia Internacional ISQua

La conferencia internacional número 32º de ISQua será en Doha, Qatar. Cada año se invitan participantes de todo el mundo para escuchar a los líderes en calidad y seguridad del paciente que comparten sus experiencias y conocimientos. Para participar, haz 

Global Maternal Newborn Health Conference – México

The Secretariat of Health of Mexico, together with convening partners, will host the first-ever Global Maternal Newborn Health Conference in Mexico City from October 18 to 21. This landmark conference will discuss strategies for reaching every mother and newborn with high-quality health care. The meeting will enable technical discussions highlighting approaches and lessons from programs,…

International Conference on Patient-Centered Care – Planetree

It is an event. A celebration. A community of passionate patients and healthcare professionals all learning together, with a common mission: make healthcare better and have fun doing it! The global healthcare marketplace is undergoing a radical shift. To be successful, organizations must deliver the highest quality care efficiently and at the lowest cost. They…

IX Congreso de Calidad Asistencial y Seguridad del Paciente – SOCCAS

Convocatoria Este año queremos convocarlos a este encuentro bajo el lema" Construyendo Cultura de Seguridad parael Paciente", pensando que esta Cultura de Seguridadse relaciona con las creencias y actitudes que asumen las organizaciones de salud através delas personas y equipos de trabajo que forman parte de ellas, demostrada ensus procesos y prácticas, de modo de…

Canada: Foro Virtual en Seguridad del Paciente y Mejoras en Calidad

Canada’s Virtual Forum themes unveiled Day 1 (Oct. 28) is dedicated to Safer Healthcare Now!, its past, present and future. The theme for the day is: Looking back, reaching forward – the new Safer Healthcare Now! The final two days (Oct. 29 and 30) of Canada’s Forum are all about culture and its impact of…

HIMSS Latin America Conference and Exhibition – Sao Pablo

HIMSS Latin America Conference and Exhibition 2015  In its second edition, the annual HIMSS Event for Latin America in association with ABCIS, will continue offering the best practices to healthcare professionals and allowing unlimited networking with the brightest minds in the areas of Health and Technology. Target audience for this event: CEOs, CIOs and Senior…

Improving Healthcare – Convención Intl. (AU)

Why Attend? Hear practical ideas on how you can improve your service delivery to meet the challenges of providing the highest quality healthcare in today’s health system. You’ll engage with international and national healthcare professionals, key decision and policy makers and quality improvement experts spanning both primary, community and hospital healthcare organisations. The program will…